“Much of that ancient awe and imagination our civilization once had, and ALL of the beautiful indigenous peoples, were lost. But, as you probably know by now, more will be born.”
I believe that those who can read this letter and have survived the Great Anger will be few. NOT because there will be so few people: those who live will feel rich, feel abundance and have a new world to explore. They won't feel like "few" but will feel wonder at such a good world. But they seem like "few" by our 2015 standards.
The old way of thinking was an Angry way, a one-sided patriarchal way of thinking, perpetuated by even the strongest women our time had to offer. It has been very, very hard for people to discover how to think, feel, and know with the level of integration, wholeness, creativity, and wisdom that their ancestors once had about 3000 years ago. I imagine that your generation may begin to know it -- and certainly won't find our old ideas about "the future" or how to survive helpful at all!
Much of that ancient awe and imagination our civilization once had, and ALL of the beautiful indigenous peoples, were lost. But, as you probably know by now, more will be born. You yourself are among them: Much freer than we were. Much more whole than we were. Much more capable of using all of your spiritual faculties in life-sustaining ways and in the creation of a new planet, here where the old one had failed.
God speed, and thank you in advance for this New Heaven, and New Earth.